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hello there.

I'm Soo Hyun (but you can call me Soo!)

And I just learned how hard it is to write the "about me" section of a blog.

I'll admit- "how to write interesting 'about me'" is now etched in my Google search history. Yet alas, 10 articles later, I'm left even more confused.

But here goes.

My name is Soo Hyun; I'm a filmmaker, photographer, writer, and rabbit-lover. I've done some weird stuff so far in my short years on Earth. And by "weird", I don't mean stuff like sticking Bugles on my fingers at 6 years old (witch nails!), or wearing a basketball under my shirt in gym class at 9 years old (oh, the joys of pretend-pregnancy!).

I've started a small clothing line, a small photography business, YouTube channels; had articles published, wrote a book, filmed and photographed for events, and attempted every sport you can think of growing up (attempted is the key word here). And of course, I started this blog.

You could say that I'm a little weird.

I write about veganism in Korea, traveling, advice, and poetry. Hey, Soo Hyun is a huge melting pot of everything me. Every post I publish is a piece- a piece of a puzzle that is my life. One day, looking back at these posts will help remember each key piece of my life.

But more than that, I hope to help travelers, expats, vegans, and teens alike. What do those people have in common? Sometimes we forget that at the end of the day, we're all on the same team, despite our differing outlooks and opinions- we're all in the human race together, aren't we?

I hope you'll be able to find something here that you can relate to, or to assist you in your adventures as you read about mine.

- Soo Hyun

YouTube / Soo Hyun

Vimeo / @heysoohyun

Instagram / @seascxpe

Twitter / @HeySooHyun

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