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High School

I always wanted to attend high school. I knew that it would be the "good years"- not a child anymore, but not an adult, either.

More freedom, but you don't have to pay your own rent or do your own housework yet.

Though I suppose some would say high school years are the most awkward, worst years ever, my opinion differs completely.

I guess it all depends on how you see it.

Unfortunately, those people who hate every minute in high school- I'm guessing they have no idea how fortunate they actually are.

To be at a point where it's still socially acceptable to act like a kid, but to have responsibilities still assigned for you, is quite the blessing.

They think school work is a waste of time, that those school dances just aren't worth going to, that football games are boring, that the people in clubs are lame. But the truth is, they have it all wrong.

I'm a big believer in saying that there never is a right or wrong answer to life. But this is one of the few exceptions.

This is because, I, on the other hand, am on the other end of the spectrum.

I will never again get to learn high school curriculum straight from a teacher and her support, dance with my best friends at homecoming, attend a football game in the rain and mingle with my school, or join a club that appeals to my interests. In fact, as of right now, I will never get to have lunch after a long class with my best friends, play sports for a school team, or take photos for the yearbook. Nor will I ever attend prom, or even get a chance to put on a cap and gown to walk up to the podium at graduation.

It's crazy how much I miss high school. And I can say this because I was once one of those kids who took their high school life for granted. But now, you have no idea how much I wish I danced more at those dances, joined more clubs, played more school sports, and worked harder in classes. And this is coming from someone who, at least I would say, was already quite busy, involved in school and extracurriculars.

But the word "busy" itself has changed meaning for me in the past year.

You have no idea what "busy" is, until you're enviously watching your friends and people your age attend school events, hanging out with friends, and basically being spoon-fed pre-chewed education, while you are- on your own- juggling studying for three college entrance exams which you know only half the material of, extracurricular activities, and some time for your hobbies here and there (just for the sake of your own sanity), all at sixteen.

Though I know that my meaning of "busy" is not even comparable to some others', I also know that the "busy" of those people whom this letter is directed towards are not comparable to mine.

And yet, it's insane how much an average high schooler will take her life for granted.

When my old friends contact me once in a while and tell me they're "so busy", and talk about how much their life "sucks" because their boyfriend won't talk to them for a day, or complain about how much "work" they have to do that day, I laugh and subconsciously get a little angry, and a little sad. Not that I don't believe that they're busy, but I just don't think they realize how easy they have it compared to so much of the world. They don't really think about it before saying those words.

Your high school experience may not- or shall I say, will not be- like the movies. You probably won't attend parties upon sneaking out your window, go to dances where you're crowned queen with your crush as the king, spend summer nights skinny dipping with your friends, or taking road trips every week. In fact, it may be quite un-extraordinary. Perhaps you'll spend it studying, watching movies until 1 am, having sleepovers, and dancing with your best friends at the school prom. There will be downs, but there will definitely, most certainly be very high ups. And maybe that sounds normal and "whatever" to you, but that sounds like a pretty darn good four years to me.

- s.h.

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