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End of Year Motivation

If you're reading this right now, I'm guessing you're in need of some motivation.

I'm on the same boat.

So in hopes of motivating both of us, let's try this.

There will be days when you will sit at that desk and wonder why you're there.

And that's okay.

There will also come days when you'll feel like anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

That's also okay.

We put so much pressure on ourselves. We are constantly worrying about everything around us- college, schoolwork, homework, upcoming exams, family issues, friendships, and extracurriculars. We're juggling so much in our lives; It's no wonder why we're so on edge sometimes.

Sometimes, we just need to take a step back and breathe. It's not going to ruin your grade if you take a 10 minute stretch break, and you're not going to fail the exam just because you decide to go to the mall with your friends on one of the Saturdays. Am I encouraging you to skip school or do nothing for the entire day? No. But am I saying we all need a break once in a while? Certainly, yes.

Whenever I see "study hacks" or "study better" blog posts/YouTube videos, they always mention rewarding yourself for small tasks. But the thing is, rewards are short-term. It may work in some cases, but for longer study sessions and bigger tests, you need something a little more long-term to last you through the grueling work.

Rewards are good, but motivation is better. Find something or some reason that makes you want to do really well on those tests. Is it that little push towards the A you've been working for all semester? Finishing the year strong? Making your parents proud? Making yourself proud (this is pretty important too.)?

Another thing. Sleep. Is. Good. For You.

I feel somewhat like a hypocrite saying that because, *raises hand*, I too am guilty of all-nighters before exams and finals weeks when 3-4 hours a night and a large coffee in the morning becomes a routine. I'm going to be honest with you: all throughout middle school and freshman year, I was one of those last-week-crammers. Ask any of my close friends- they have seen the horror my room becomes during the last week before a big exam. With flashcards, notebooks, and binders covering the ground, you can't even tell there's carpet underneath all those papers. But according to multiple sources (including my teachers), sleep is good for both memories and your general health. Getting a good night's sleep can actually help you retain more facts for that big day.

Above, just trust yourself. Be confident in yourself and how much you've done so far. Study well; study to the point where, even if you get a bad grade on that test, you'll be able to say, "I did my best". And if all else fails, reach for the banana nicecream. It'll help dull the sting of knowing that you still have a week's worth of finals left.

Soo Hyun

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