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Must-Do Things for Portland, Oregon

View of Portland from the Skybridge

Ah yes, the beautiful city known for roses, Stumptown coffee, food trucks, and naked bike races. Wait, what?

Just kidding. Kind of.

As of right this second, I'm mid-Skype call with one of my best friends, Madi. We are talking about what we can do when I visit her and my other friends in Portland. Upon firing ideas such as The Rose Garden and OMSI, we decided that we wanted our list to be somewhat tourist-y, but mostly personalized for our own past memories and experiences. We will be updating this list as often as we can!

Though naked bike races are indeed a thing in Portland, we probably won't be entering one anytime soon.


•Portland Farmer's Market

•Portland Saturday Market

•OAKS Park

•Pioneer Square & the skybridge


•Veggie Grill (!!!)

•Salt and Straw

•Voodoo Donuts

•Vegan Fro-yo

•La Provence (fancy restaurant)

•Food truck street

•Kure Juice Bar

•Blue Star Donuts

•Tea Bar (bubble tea, matcha, mimosas)

•Carioca Bowls- Alberta St. (YOGA & ACAI BOWLS!)

Note to self: Refer to Emma's List as well.

Soo Hyun & Madi & Emma)

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