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thank you for the best six years of my life

an open letter/list of thanks to everyone who made the last six years the best in my life; to those who understand even just one of the hundred inside jokes and references embedded mercilessly throughout this letter.

i miss...

waking up at 6:30 every morning, feeding my rabbit, petting the dogs hello, sunrise jogs, pre-planned outfits, overnight oats, first period friends stealing my grapes, playfully teasing veganism, those classes that feel like every minute is an hour, our lunchtime meeting spot, peanut butter in tupperware, bell pepper jokes, freaking out over one bad test, pats on the back, "you'll get 'em next time", splitting up between classes, dramatized farewells, complaining about homework, fridays and mondays (they're always the best), new big assignments, upcoming exams, acing the test, finals week, senior pranks, 5am swim practices, static shocking each other during aerobics class, running miles, flag football during gym, last day of school, goodbye cards to teachers, hello to summer, the smell of my home as i enter, throwing my backpack on the floor, greetings from olive, happy dances from the dogs, cracking open a new text book, and closing it for the last time that year.

trips to trader joe's, trying one new vegan item every week, whole foods, larabars, veggie grill dinners, swim team meetings, figure skating with wet hair, spread eagle while holding hands, learning new skating elements, summer archery camp, sun salutations, yoga with friends, watching summer party youtube videos, mall trips, more than one sample from see's, movie theaters, bad movies, pretending to be baristas with the coffee maker demos, hiding in the mattress store, weird looks from strangers, matching bracelets, festivals, marco polo, super serious games of sharks and minnows, summer pool parties, photo shoots, vegan fro-yo, rockaway beach, overnight gymnastics meets, hotel pools, accidentally putting on sports bra that match running shoes therefore feeling fabulous while running (dying), berry picking, portland downtown, crazy dunk ladies on the max, stumptown coffee, pioneer square, buzzfeed, tiffany & co, drinking chocolate, scaring people playing hide and seek, sardines, dm'ing each other funny instagram textposts, intense drama littlest pet shop games, serious games of monopoly, camping in backyards, driving practice at the mini golf parking lot (and the too-fast-driving-and-skidmarks prank that followed) giant trampoline, walking jethro, kwedish cafe, pre-homecoming rituals, fourth of july firework parties, slumber parties, truth or dare, and honest opinion on...

uncontrollable laughter, long hugs, "it's okay"s, telling each other everything, high fives, new ideas, excited faces, making plans, long phone calls, texting all night, linked arms, no judging, encouragement, dancing to the gummy bear song, exchanging knowing looks, mental telepathy, comfortable silence, having too much to talk about, twirling together, accidentally matching outfits, nudge nudge, wink wink, giggle giggle, laughing from one word, convincing everyone we're dating, walking together, promises, pinkie swears, lost wishes, new dreams, sleep talking, sleeping bag dancing, karaoke in funny accents, being the guardian of peanut butter and greek yogurt, taking bad photos, and running away yelling "you'll thank me later!".

... everything.

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